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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

I understand that recycling is about reusing the recycle item ( example : CANS , NEWSPAPER , PLASTIC WATER BOTTLE . ) . I think it is necessary to recycle things because if we recycle , we can save environment .

The various ways in which things can be recycled are like . I also practice recycling at home because i think we can just save the environment just by doing this . I started recycling at home not long ago , date is like about 26 October . I just started so i decided to recycle cans first . I just put the cans in the recycle bag and when its full i gave it to my mother and she help me hand in to the recycle person or we put it in a recycle bin .

Yes , I think my school is doing enough for recycling . Every year my school organizes this competition for recycling , i do not know if the school is going to give the recycle items to the recycle man , but i think is likely they are doing it .

This message would tell my friends and classmates about recycling .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:48 PM

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I play computer games . I do that just to relax myself if i am free . I play computer games such as ( AuditionSEA , MapleSEA and others . ) .____. Forgotten . I am abit attracted to the computer game because is fun , relaxing .
I think lots of children play computer games , I think they play just because to relax and have fun during their free time . I am not quite sure how long i have played . But , i usually do not play during weeksday and i have to finish my work to play during weekends .
I think it depends if i can control it . Sometimes i get excited about it and have forgotten the time .I am aware that people can be addicted to computer games . I am going to ask them to just play on their free time and do not play so long .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:46 PM

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think reading is important because it could improve our spelling and subjects .
I usually read storybooks because they are quite interesting and ocationally i will read some magazines when i am bored and have nothing to do .
I read about 1-2 a month because sometimes their stories are very long , but they are quite interesting even they are long , if a story is long its very detailed movements , actions and speaking in stories .
I read because i enjoyed them very much and its very interesting and it can improve my English Subjects and Spelling .
I think it will affect some pupils because some addicted kids does not do its homework but play computer games until very late at night and cannot wake up in the morning .

I think the school can put a period on a day when all the pupils are reading storybooks .

I will recommend " The Pig With Green Spots " because it can be read for all girls and boys . Its is about a Pig with green spots , everyone said he is ugly , Ms Loveday did not wan to break it because it is given by his sister , one day , one girl called Lucy came to Mrs Loveday's house and acidentally broke the pig . She admited it and Mrs Loveday never scold her because she wanted to break for a long time . She used the money in the pig to buy igredients for her cake that she is baking for Lucy . Lucy's mum is proud and please that Lcu is honest .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:50 PM

Sunday, September 7, 2008

Hi Everyone,
The Olympics Games is over and Singapore has finally got a medal. For this week, I want you to reflect on the Olympics and what it means to you. To help you with your reflection, I have listed some questions below:
1. What is the origin of 'Olympics' ?
2. Why is it such an important event in sports?
3. Have you watched any Olympic event? Why/Why not?
4. Which athlete/s or event impresses you most? Why?
5. Would you like to participate in the Olympics Games? If so, what event would you like to take part and why?
6. Do you think it is worth organising the Olympics? Why?

Greece is the orgin of the 'Olympics' . Greece marches first because of their historical status as the orgin of the olympics .

Olympics is such an important event in sports because is a great opportunity for all best athletes to compete with each other all over the world .

I have watch some Olympic events because i wanted to know if even the team lost , they still get the exprience from it and do their best they can .
I would not like to join in the Olympic Games .

It is worth organising Olympic because different athelets from different courtries came together and compete with each other .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
9:05 PM

Saturday, September 6, 2008

National Day is when Singapore achieved its independence and its birthday which is held at 9th Of August every year .

We celebrate it because on that day , Singapore achieved its indenpendence .

I celebrate by watching the npc ceremony on tv and wait eagerly for the fireworks , i think this year they did not shoot very high .___. because i did not see any fireworks at all . ( x.x )

Its very nice for our school to celebrate national day , although i thought it wont rain but it rain , we have to move to the hall , the hall is crowded with P1s - P5 ( I THINK P6 DIDNT COME BECAUSE THEY ARE GOING FOR THE MARATHON . ) I want to thank all teachers and prefect for organising and preparing such an amazing NATIONAL DAY CELEBRATION . :))

We can set up game for the pupils in the school to play and learn how Singapore achieved its independence . We would like to have 1hour recess

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
10:05 AM

Copyright is also something that someone that create something and another person copies it . For example , Alex have created an awesome picture about good manners , coincidenly , Sam have an project on good manners , he is good in descripting but he cant seem to find any pictures . So , Sam took it for his project without asking Alex . Even in blogging , we took lots of pictures from yahoo , google and msn .

Some Resoures are like music , pictures , websites , lyrics , songs , stories and even blogskins .

I think is wrong to infringe on the copyright of other people's creation bbecause we never asked for permission .

If we want to use the materials of others , we may kindly aproach the person who created it and ask for permission to use it .

We may get sued or fined if we use the materials of others without their permission .

I have never seen others infringing on the copyright of others .

To make sure , we may asked the persn who created the thing that we want .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
9:33 AM

Sunday, August 24, 2008


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
7:43 AM

Monday, July 21, 2008

Hi Friends & Madam Asrina ! I am gonna talk about what have i learn from Madam Asrina .

  • I Learned That $1 in Brunei is also $1 in Singapore

  • I Learned That Brunei is way bigger than Singapore

  • Madam Asrina's School is smaller than our school

  • Madam Asrina is a teacher of her primary school

  • On Madam Asrina's Leisure , she will play netball , its counts as a hobby too .

  • In Madam Asrina's school , it only have 14 classrooms since there are only 300-400 pupils in the school .MAybe in Singapore , we have more than that .

  • What i heard from Madam Asrina , The Majesty is the richest man in the whole world . Madam Asrina's school is very hard to pronouce ! ( Me : ._. )

  • Most People In Brunei are malays , but there are some chinese .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:01 AM

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear Mdm Asrina ,

Welcome To Singapore & My School ! (APS) :X
Hope you have learn many things around here .
Well , since your Courtry and Your School Is Different , I am going to ask you some questions .
  • What are the languages in Brunei that you use ?
  • What Subject that you teach in school ?
  • When did you arrived in Singapore ?
  • Do you have races in Brunei ? What are the races ? Besides then Chinese , Malay and Indian .
  • What are the traditional food that are good in Brunei ?
  • What are the festivals you celebrate ?
  • What race are you in ?
  • Do you have holidays when you are in Brunei ?
  • Do you have traditional costumes in Brunei ?
  • How do you feel about Singapore ?
  • How is it different from Singapore than Brunei ?

I am Asking You All this is just because i want to now more about you , your school and you courtry .

:D Cheryl Yong :D

Hope You Will Reply Me . :D


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:45 PM

The Small Mice Who Saved A Tiger .

There was a tiger who was traped in a hunter's net when he was walking back to his cave . Tiger was very helpful and polite to other animals and when small animals needed help he will be there .
Now , he was traped in a net when a mice that he once saved . The Mice was called Pokira . " Hi Pokira ! Remember Me ? I am the Tiger when you were in trouble i saved you . " " Yes I Do ! Tiger ! Hi ! Oh My , your trap in a hunter's net ! " Pokira replied . " Yes I Am . Could you help me to get off this net ? " Tiger said politely . " Sure ! But How Can I help ? i am small . " Pokira replied sadly . " Yes You Can you can bite the net . " Tiger said .
Pokira noded and hurried to the net . Tiger was saved by Pokira , even Pokira was small , it also can help .

The Moral Of The Story Is : When you help someone people may have help you back if they could help .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:00 AM



3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
7:54 AM

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Earthqukes can cause people to lose their homes/houses , buildings falling and also crash car lorries vans buses & others .Some of them maybe would go to the hospital or some of them could even die cause of the earthquake .

People Can Hide under the table so that buildings doesn't hit you .

I Think Scientists can detect the earthquake . What i know how sciencetists detect earthquakes is by using an machine called Seismograms.

Earthquakes is occurred in China ,Japan and Sichuan .

Maybe is because the world shake so that the courtries been cause by earthquakes .

We cant be sure that singapore have or do not have earthquakes . Because we do not know when it will shake and cause with country .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:25 PM

My Reflection :]

1. I think Mother's Day is about how we show our care and love to our mothers .
2. I think i will help my mother to hang clothes , i always love to help her hang clothes .
3. It was EXELLENT ! i Love My Mother and i know she loves me too . :D
4. Sometimes i having trouble with my assessments and she always there to help me .
5. By helping her whenever i can . i will do my best as possible .
6. Yes . Because if there are no mothers in the world . One more Love will disappear .
7.Sometimes i can help her wash the dishes or hang clothes . :}



3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:14 PM

My Response ~

I never take school bus to school .

Well , some children are noisy and some children are quiet .

Yes , i agree with Ms Karen Koh . Because acidents may happen anytime when we are in the school bus/public bus .

No , i dont agree with Mr Leow Beng Kiong . Because between the 15 mins, acidents may happen anytime , so .

The bus assistants is to make sure that they remind everyone in the bus to put on our seat belts . We also can remind our friends to put on seat belts whenever necessary .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:04 PM

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hi friends ! i am now talking eating healthier snacks can help your body get healthier :)

I think some of our school café food and drinks help to provide and promote healthy eating because there are healthy snacks such as cereal ,fruits , sandwiches and some soya bean milk .I think that our school café can include more healthier food like increase in types of fruits .
Hmms .. let me tell you something , me and amanda almost eat biscuit every recess time! But i sometimes will eat some sandwiches . I think me and amanda should think if we could decrease the number of biscuits we eat almost everyday to eat healthier food & drinks . But sometimes we can eat biscuits too . o(^-^)o


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
6:47 AM

Hi Friends . I am now talking about Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease illness .

It is important for children to be kept away from crowded public places if they should signs of infection because they might spread the disease quick one after the another . This type of infection is very quickly spread and we might advise people that when they have Hand , Food and Mouth Disease , we must stay home and rest until it gets recovered .The infected person can present with the following symptoms :
  • Fever
  • sore throat and running nose
  • rash with blisters on the palms , solos or buttocks
  • mouth ulcer .

It is essential to follow good hygiene practices because we may not get HFMD so quickly .There are lots of ways you can keep HFMD with . We must maintain high standards of personal and environmental hygiene to minimise the spread of HFMD . We should ensure that we adopt the following good practices below. :

  • Wash hands with soap before eat and after going to the toilet
  • Cover mouth and nose when we are coughing or sneezing
  • Do not share eating utensils
  • Do not share any food and drinks

The above shown is some practices to keep HFMD spread . :)

'good hygiene practices' mean to me is like having habit of the examples i have just shown u above just now . We must maintain the number of HFMD and not spread the disease anymore . :)


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
6:28 AM

Sunday, April 13, 2008

  1. Yes . I enjoy the activities during our school International Friendship Day
  2. I enjoy the Judo( After recess ) , it was quick scary when i see though . I enjoy the Judo because it was about pulling a person when you are attacked.
  3. We can ask different races to perform an act . It's about differents races do not like each other and the end they find out that they cannot be enemies and be friends . (:

1 . Friendship is a relationship between very good friends .

2. It is important because if we have no friends we have nobody to help in homework , playing together .

3. I can develop by helping them with homework , explaining things that they dont know , playing fairly and happily with them .

4. Yes ,it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries , because if we dont be friendly to people of other countries , we will have lesser friends .

Friendship is very important , so we must be friendly to others in order to have a lot of friends .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
9:24 PM

Hi children. Time flies. We'll be doing our 2nd piece of Personal Rsponse this week.
Let's visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement.
First, go to this link:http://www.singaporekindness.org.sg/about_main.htm
Second, click on the heading 'Courtesy' on the left of the screen.
Third, scroll down and click on 'Courtesy Fables'.
Read the four fables and give your opinion and comments about them. To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions :
What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?

  • Courtesy means like greeting people such as family members, neighbours , friends . We must also show respect to other people which is elder than us .

  • Kong Rong Rang Li (Tale from China) because kong Rong is a courteous person , he lets his elder brothers have the bigger pear than he have a smallest pear . I feel that he is a thoughtful person . (:

  • Some of the pupils are courteous . Courtesy : Think for other people. DisCourtesy : selfish act , gets the best for himself/herself .

  • We can greet them , such us elderly (grandparents , parents elder brothers/sisters ) Even somebody smaller than , we also must show respect to them.


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:06 PM

Monday, April 7, 2008


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:09 AM

Monday, March 31, 2008

Hi everyone, all of us dream of becoming somebody, owning something or doing something which we really want to do.
Whatever it is, it will not be possible to realise our dream if we do not have a plan. In this reflection, I would like you to tell me about your dream. Here are some questions that may help you write down your reflection:
a) What is your dream?
b) Why do you think this dream is so important to you?
c) How do you plan to realise your dream?
d) Do you think people should have dreams? Why?
I hope you will write your reflection as comprehensively as possible. One or two sentences will not do justice to your dream.

A) My dream is being a pharmacist . Pharmacists are Health Professionals who practice the art and science of pharmacy . In the role of pharmacists, we must ensure the safe and effective use of medications.

b) If any member of my family fall sick , I will be able to know immediately what medicine to prescribe to them .

C)I must study hard on science and medicine. Read widely.

D)Yes , People will feel a sense of completion. The work we do, how we do it, and the responsibilities and roles all come together in a way that makes us feel satisfied.



3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
5:57 AM

a)I think Racial Harmony is people who have different races like Chinese , Indian , Malay , Although we are different in races . we also can be good friends . We must not have arguements .We must cherish each other although we are different people , different races .
b)Two Indians pupils met a chinese pupil , one of the indians students said that chinese are not a good pupil/friend , when the chinese pupil heard it it soon argue with the two indians pupils .
C)I think Rajah's Solution :(He said, "We shan't be Chinese or Malay or Indian. Everyone is the same, no races at all and there will be no more fights.")I argree with Rajah , because when there are no races and will be no more fights .
D)I can encourage them by telling them that we should not argue to each other and work together as a group to be a good singaporean , to make singapore a happier place . :)
E) I think we should have a activity which races can work together as a team .THis activity helps different races people working together as a team to finish this activity .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:55 AM

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome Back Friends ! Are u looking forward to term 2 activities?

Here is a welcome back to school (term2) Card (:

Picture Taken from me .:D

Term 2 Week 1
Dear children,
You are to reflect on your own performance for the first class tests. What did you obtain for your class tests for the various subjects? How did you perform? How did you feel about your results? What are the reasons for your performance? Which subjects did you do well and which subjects did you not do so well? Any reasons? How do you propose to improve yourself this term? Post your reflection under the title 'Reflection 1 : Looking Forward' and include 'AR' as your label for this post. Your reflection should be as comprehensive as possible. I look forward to reading your posts.
My Reflection

I have found out that my class didn't do well for our Class Test 1 . I was shock when my form teacher said that . I was quite disappointed . :( . I want to do well in the next test which is my exam . I can do well by reading textbooks , do some Assesments Books .

English - i need to focus in my comprehension . I got 38&1/2 because i am bad in my comprehension .

Maths - Well , i got a little improve in my maths but i am careless , so i get 46 .

Science - I not well in Section B . Like properties Solids Liquids & Gases . I got 40&1/2 in my Science :)


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
5:14 PM

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Hi Everyone ! This year we are celebrating SPORTS CARNIVAL . (:



During my Sports Carnival , There are 5 activities . Well , for ARCHERY. ,

i didn't shoot the right place (HAHAS) . I shooted the black part ~.~ , but fun . This is what the instructor said . " Put The Bow On Your Shoe .(She helps me put the arrow in) Pull the String till your chin and let go . " (:

Archery Photo To orbseve .


2.Boat Challenge

The Boat Challenge is one of my favourite* .Its a indoor activity too . When is my turn , i pull as fast as i can . I took off the belt for the shoe and give my friend . I hurried at the back and cheer for my friend . My Class got 4th . (:

A Indoor Boat Rowing Image .

This Picture is Taken From MSN IMAGE .

3 . Recess .

Recess have a MEMORY LANE , BALLOON , GAMES , COTTON -CANDY . It's like a FUNFAIR(: . We have a extra half an hour which is 1 hour recess :D .


2 Instructors came to our class to teach us SPEED STACKING .(:

Then , they teach us how to do 3 x 3 stacking and then 3 6 3 STACKING .

THEY do it within a few secs . I bet they did practice very hard .

A Image OF SPEED STACKING 3 6 3 (:


Our teacher ask our monitor and monitress , RAPHAEL and AMANDA to go down to the Anderson Lounge to take ICE CREAMS (: .

I got the strawberry favour . Its too bad Amelia didn't come ): . she loves STRAWBERRYS .



3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
5:06 AM

Friday, February 29, 2008

Hi friends , I was inform by my form teacher , Mrs Diana Tan , that Mr Singh Our school Vice-principal, was leaving us . I was surprised , but , i was upset . He praised my class before and i learned from him some self-descipline from him .

He was going to be trained to be a principal .

Good Luck , Mr Singh . Sincerely ,
Cheryl Yong , 4.5 APS .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
1:00 AM

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Hi everyone ! Happy New Year ! Today my school is celebrating chinese new year , today was chinese new year eve . We have a story , pupils dancing , teachers perform act and lion dance .

The Story was about a monster called "Nian" . It dissappears when it saw red , light and thunder and someone was saying bad things about the villagers to the emperor. He said that the village was in chaos and the villagers said bad things about the emperor .

The next performance was the chinese dance , they split in 2 groups . They got fans and wear costumes .

The next one was funny and exciting . The teachers performing something about chinese new year .They said something about chinese new year that we cant do and what we can do.

The lion dance was amazing ! They jump on each other and pop decorations .

And once again i wish you a HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR !

TIME : 9:26AM


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:50 PM

Wednesday, January 23, 2008

I do not have a pet but i would like to have one . I love puppies and dogs which are cute and chubby . I have a toy dog which i want it to be real but it cant :( .

I would like my pet to have fluffy ears (long) and always shaking it's tail .

I wanted a pet that was good and listens to me .It was great having a puppy to play with . If i have a puppy , i would love as it was my daughter ^^

if i am bored , i can play with it . I would feed him when i am free .

i would like to have a boy puppy too . Him and her can be sisters and brothers . i would like to prepare beds for puppies . When it comes to toilet , oh my i do not know how . So my mum do not let me have a pet . I wanted to call the boy "zaizai" and the girl " gaigai". ^-^Well , i like to treat same animals kindly . It is kind of a job keeping pets at home .

Zai Zai

This Picture is taken from me


This Picture is taken from me


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:12 AM

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Hi Friends ,
I Am sharing what did i do in My December Holiday . I went to Korea .From That date when i went korea , it was not snowing , but theres a place which was snowing .

This Picture was Taken From Yahoo Image .

There were many singaporeans who came to see a view of korea . I felt really cold . The first day was 14degree . The next day was really really cold when i went breakfast , it was about 0degree . I was freezing until i do not dare to come out from the bus . But i must come out to eat my breakfast . When i was talking to my mum theres smoke coming out from my mouth because it was cold .

After Breakfast i when to the " Da chang Jin " shoot place . Later , We take a half an hour bus to a sauna , we must take out our shoes . The Sauna Seperates boy/girl man/women , i get changed and went to a 58degree hot room and i went to a 75degree room too . After I came out i go soak my leg with hot water , thats the part when my sister drop my towel in the water , after that we still visit a few places , the places were very interesting and different from singapore . Now , i know how korea is different from singapore . We took a 1hour bus to take our lunch and the bus drove about 4-3 hours to the ski resort. Tomorrow , it was fun . I was skiing . ^-^ . I falled and i found a person who is studying same school as me . She is 6.7 this year . I played with her and my sister .

The Fourth and the fifth day was fun too. I go to the theme park at night one was indoor and one was outdoor . The Fourth Day was Everland and the next day was Lotte World .Well , i didn't take alot of rides there , but i really have fun taking pictures . When i see my photos , i realised that almost every picture have me . :D

The Last Day , i learned how to do kimchi and i dressed as a korean dress and took pictures with my family .

Next , We go to the airport and take a 5-6 hour trip back to Singapore .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
3:47 PM

Monday, January 14, 2008

  • Blog Netiquette Is about manners . Manners Are also used in blogging . For Example , Vulguar Words Cannot be used when you are blogging . For Somehow , Blog Netiquette Is important to blogging . Somehow BlogNetiquette Is important to everyone

    I Argee With Blog Netiquette

    Because :

    1. Reading Our Post .

    This Picture Is Taken From Yahoo Image

  • Reading Blog Post is just like reading books .

2. Manners

This Picture Is Taken From Yahoo Image

  • Manners are important to blogging ,
    For example , There must be no vulguar words when you are blogging . Theres Words that also manners too. Like " Thank You" " Please" " Your Welcome" .


This Picture Is Taken From Yahoo Image

  • You Can Meet Trust Friends When Your Blogging Too .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
6:43 AM