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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

I think reading is important because it could improve our spelling and subjects .
I usually read storybooks because they are quite interesting and ocationally i will read some magazines when i am bored and have nothing to do .
I read about 1-2 a month because sometimes their stories are very long , but they are quite interesting even they are long , if a story is long its very detailed movements , actions and speaking in stories .
I read because i enjoyed them very much and its very interesting and it can improve my English Subjects and Spelling .
I think it will affect some pupils because some addicted kids does not do its homework but play computer games until very late at night and cannot wake up in the morning .

I think the school can put a period on a day when all the pupils are reading storybooks .

I will recommend " The Pig With Green Spots " because it can be read for all girls and boys . Its is about a Pig with green spots , everyone said he is ugly , Ms Loveday did not wan to break it because it is given by his sister , one day , one girl called Lucy came to Mrs Loveday's house and acidentally broke the pig . She admited it and Mrs Loveday never scold her because she wanted to break for a long time . She used the money in the pig to buy igredients for her cake that she is baking for Lucy . Lucy's mum is proud and please that Lcu is honest .

3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:50 PM