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Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Dear Mdm Asrina ,

Welcome To Singapore & My School ! (APS) :X
Hope you have learn many things around here .
Well , since your Courtry and Your School Is Different , I am going to ask you some questions .
  • What are the languages in Brunei that you use ?
  • What Subject that you teach in school ?
  • When did you arrived in Singapore ?
  • Do you have races in Brunei ? What are the races ? Besides then Chinese , Malay and Indian .
  • What are the traditional food that are good in Brunei ?
  • What are the festivals you celebrate ?
  • What race are you in ?
  • Do you have holidays when you are in Brunei ?
  • Do you have traditional costumes in Brunei ?
  • How do you feel about Singapore ?
  • How is it different from Singapore than Brunei ?

I am Asking You All this is just because i want to now more about you , your school and you courtry .

:D Cheryl Yong :D

Hope You Will Reply Me . :D


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
4:45 PM

The Small Mice Who Saved A Tiger .

There was a tiger who was traped in a hunter's net when he was walking back to his cave . Tiger was very helpful and polite to other animals and when small animals needed help he will be there .
Now , he was traped in a net when a mice that he once saved . The Mice was called Pokira . " Hi Pokira ! Remember Me ? I am the Tiger when you were in trouble i saved you . " " Yes I Do ! Tiger ! Hi ! Oh My , your trap in a hunter's net ! " Pokira replied . " Yes I Am . Could you help me to get off this net ? " Tiger said politely . " Sure ! But How Can I help ? i am small . " Pokira replied sadly . " Yes You Can you can bite the net . " Tiger said .
Pokira noded and hurried to the net . Tiger was saved by Pokira , even Pokira was small , it also can help .

The Moral Of The Story Is : When you help someone people may have help you back if they could help .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:00 AM



3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
7:54 AM