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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Welcome Back Friends ! Are u looking forward to term 2 activities?

Here is a welcome back to school (term2) Card (:

Picture Taken from me .:D

Term 2 Week 1
Dear children,
You are to reflect on your own performance for the first class tests. What did you obtain for your class tests for the various subjects? How did you perform? How did you feel about your results? What are the reasons for your performance? Which subjects did you do well and which subjects did you not do so well? Any reasons? How do you propose to improve yourself this term? Post your reflection under the title 'Reflection 1 : Looking Forward' and include 'AR' as your label for this post. Your reflection should be as comprehensive as possible. I look forward to reading your posts.
My Reflection

I have found out that my class didn't do well for our Class Test 1 . I was shock when my form teacher said that . I was quite disappointed . :( . I want to do well in the next test which is my exam . I can do well by reading textbooks , do some Assesments Books .

English - i need to focus in my comprehension . I got 38&1/2 because i am bad in my comprehension .

Maths - Well , i got a little improve in my maths but i am careless , so i get 46 .

Science - I not well in Section B . Like properties Solids Liquids & Gases . I got 40&1/2 in my Science :)


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
5:14 PM