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Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Hi friends ! i am now talking eating healthier snacks can help your body get healthier :)

I think some of our school café food and drinks help to provide and promote healthy eating because there are healthy snacks such as cereal ,fruits , sandwiches and some soya bean milk .I think that our school café can include more healthier food like increase in types of fruits .
Hmms .. let me tell you something , me and amanda almost eat biscuit every recess time! But i sometimes will eat some sandwiches . I think me and amanda should think if we could decrease the number of biscuits we eat almost everyday to eat healthier food & drinks . But sometimes we can eat biscuits too . o(^-^)o


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
6:47 AM

Hi Friends . I am now talking about Hand , Foot and Mouth Disease illness .

It is important for children to be kept away from crowded public places if they should signs of infection because they might spread the disease quick one after the another . This type of infection is very quickly spread and we might advise people that when they have Hand , Food and Mouth Disease , we must stay home and rest until it gets recovered .The infected person can present with the following symptoms :
  • Fever
  • sore throat and running nose
  • rash with blisters on the palms , solos or buttocks
  • mouth ulcer .

It is essential to follow good hygiene practices because we may not get HFMD so quickly .There are lots of ways you can keep HFMD with . We must maintain high standards of personal and environmental hygiene to minimise the spread of HFMD . We should ensure that we adopt the following good practices below. :

  • Wash hands with soap before eat and after going to the toilet
  • Cover mouth and nose when we are coughing or sneezing
  • Do not share eating utensils
  • Do not share any food and drinks

The above shown is some practices to keep HFMD spread . :)

'good hygiene practices' mean to me is like having habit of the examples i have just shown u above just now . We must maintain the number of HFMD and not spread the disease anymore . :)


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
6:28 AM