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Sunday, April 13, 2008

  1. Yes . I enjoy the activities during our school International Friendship Day
  2. I enjoy the Judo( After recess ) , it was quick scary when i see though . I enjoy the Judo because it was about pulling a person when you are attacked.
  3. We can ask different races to perform an act . It's about differents races do not like each other and the end they find out that they cannot be enemies and be friends . (:

1 . Friendship is a relationship between very good friends .

2. It is important because if we have no friends we have nobody to help in homework , playing together .

3. I can develop by helping them with homework , explaining things that they dont know , playing fairly and happily with them .

4. Yes ,it is important for Singaporeans to be friendly with people of other countries , because if we dont be friendly to people of other countries , we will have lesser friends .

Friendship is very important , so we must be friendly to others in order to have a lot of friends .


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
9:24 PM

Hi children. Time flies. We'll be doing our 2nd piece of Personal Rsponse this week.
Let's visit the website of the Singapore Kindness Movement.
First, go to this link:http://www.singaporekindness.org.sg/about_main.htm
Second, click on the heading 'Courtesy' on the left of the screen.
Third, scroll down and click on 'Courtesy Fables'.
Read the four fables and give your opinion and comments about them. To guide you in writing your personal response, here are some questions :
What does 'courtesy' mean to you?
Which one of the fables impresses you most? Why?
3. Do you think the pupils in our class are courteous? In what way/ways are they courteous or discourteous?
4. How can we show our courtesy towards our friends, school mates, family members and others?

  • Courtesy means like greeting people such as family members, neighbours , friends . We must also show respect to other people which is elder than us .

  • Kong Rong Rang Li (Tale from China) because kong Rong is a courteous person , he lets his elder brothers have the bigger pear than he have a smallest pear . I feel that he is a thoughtful person . (:

  • Some of the pupils are courteous . Courtesy : Think for other people. DisCourtesy : selfish act , gets the best for himself/herself .

  • We can greet them , such us elderly (grandparents , parents elder brothers/sisters ) Even somebody smaller than , we also must show respect to them.


3 words 1 meaning iloveyou :D
8:06 PM